Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Artificial Intelligence

The general topic I would like to report on at the end of class is artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence is a topic that interests me in multiple ways. When I think of artificial intelligence, I think of computers thinking for themselves as if they have a mind. I have always wondered how far we can take computers to think for themselves, and If we will ever develop from current robots that can-do things like humans to robots that are exactly like humans. I think about how if the artificial intelligence will be limited to what humans can do if it acts likes us or if it will be able to exceed what humans do. It is known computers can think faster than human, but in artificial intelligence will that allow the computer to outsmart the human. With the potential invention of self-repairing code, it opens new doors for artificial intelligence weather that is better or worse for humans. On one extreme side if we have robots or computers that think and act like humans, they could become unstoppable and overthrow mankind, unless physically destroyed. Then on the less harmful other side your future like Alexa could simply repair itself when it breaks. Current Artificial intelligence technology is commonly used for things such as security to recognize and take down cyber-attacks or in a similar way recognize issues in medical imaging to diagnose humans. While this might not quite be a full computer that thinks and acts like a human, yet it is possible we are getting closer as government agencies like the military are investing in artificial intelligence research. The potential for what artificial intelligence can become and has already accomplished is what makes it interesting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Where is journalism going?

Journalism is becoming an industry focused on electronic reporting. The traditional definition of journalism includes reporting news for newspaper and magazines on top of websites, but the primary focus of journalism today is to report for a website. Even if an article may end up in a magazine or a newspaper it is still also likely to be reported on a website as well. The reason why journalism is now focused on website reporting is because the advancements in technology. Most people today are able to see any news on their smartphone or other electronic device via a news website. This makes news websites the most common and most instant form of news. With the decline of paper journalism like newspapers, I believe that journalism is going to be primarily online on news websites. This means your major journalists and names of popular news companies will be from online websites. When you think about a news source many people already think about a website name or a major news name that now does journalism online, while a few people may still think of a more traditional new source. As sales of traditional news sources like newspapers decline so does their revenue meaning they can employ less journalists. This leads to the point that as journalism embraces technology and uses websites for new, less journalists are needed. One journalist can report on news for an area and publish it to a website which anyone with internet can see making the need for more journalists in the area obsolete. Overall journalism is becoming electronic with online news and the need for more journalists is declining due to online news. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Experience Making a HTML Website

I found the experience of creating a webpage to be an enjoyable experience. When creating the code for the html webpage I found that past experiences helped me understand the assignment. I had experience creating a simple html website a few years ago in high school which helped me remember the layout and format that html uses. It also helped me recognize the commands as I saw them again and relearned them. Having taken two coding classes in high school is what really helped me understand the coding aspects behind html. It has some basic similarities to other coding languages such as java in the fact that both have commands and the commands require a beginning and ending point. Another thing that was similar is that quotation marks are used for text that is not part of the command just like in java. I was easily able to save my text file as an html document through the notepad application on my computer. I got the saved document to open in google chrome the first time I tried to open it after saving it. My past experience of saving files a certain way for computer science classes helped me understand what to do in order to save my file properly so it would open correctly. It heled me to be able to clearly understand the example instructions and use the file explorer to save it correctly. Overall my past experiences dealing with computers and taking computer classes allowed me to clearly understand the project and made it an enjoyable experience.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Email Vs. Postal service

Electronic mail more commonly known as email has similarities and differences with the more traditional postal service mail. One way in which it is similar is that both forms of mail have mailboxes. More specifically both have inboxes and outboxes. Email has an inbox folder which shows mail that was sent to you and an outbox folder that contains mail you sent to other people. A traditional mailbox has a flag that indicates if it is serving as an inbox or an outbox. Both email and traditional mail use addressees to determine where the mail is going. An email must have a name of who it is going to and at what URL address, in order to determine where it is going. Much like how actual mail must have the recipient's name and address on it to determine where it is going. An email can contain an electronic photograph just like how a letter in the mail can contain a photograph. A difference the postal mail has from email is postal mail needs stamps. Stamps or postal fees mean it will cost you money to use the actual mail unlike how email is completely free if you make an account and have internet access. Postal service sends a physical item like a letter to someone, unlike emails which are just typed. Emails are sent electronically by typing, where actual mail requires that you use paper and a writing utensil to make a letter to send or use a printer to make a letter to send. A big difference between emails and postal mail is the speed. While emails are received almost instantly after they are sent, traditional mail can take anywhere from two to five days to receive a letter on average. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

What I want out of this class

In this class I hope to learn various things about the World Wide Web. This includes many things from the World Wide Web such as its history and how the World Wide Web started. I would like to learn about who created the World Wide Web and how they came up with the idea or ideas that made the World Wide Web. This also would include the history and creation of the Internet. I hope to learn about how the World Wide Web has affected us as a society over time, including how it has affected personal life and the way businesses work. I would also like to learn about how society has influenced the World Wide Web. I would like to learn about the things that have changed the World Wide Web over time along with, the people that have influenced the World Wide Web over time. I would also like to learn more technical aspects about the World Wide Web. These are things such as learning how we connect to the World Wide Web and how it works overall. I would like to learn about how all the information in the World Wide Web is stored and how all the information is supposedly kept safe when it needs to be kept safe. I would like to learn about how the Internet has become so much faster over time. I would like to learn about how society has come together through the World Wide Web and become intertwined with it. I hope we get to learn about these many things in this class.