Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Experience Making a HTML Website

I found the experience of creating a webpage to be an enjoyable experience. When creating the code for the html webpage I found that past experiences helped me understand the assignment. I had experience creating a simple html website a few years ago in high school which helped me remember the layout and format that html uses. It also helped me recognize the commands as I saw them again and relearned them. Having taken two coding classes in high school is what really helped me understand the coding aspects behind html. It has some basic similarities to other coding languages such as java in the fact that both have commands and the commands require a beginning and ending point. Another thing that was similar is that quotation marks are used for text that is not part of the command just like in java. I was easily able to save my text file as an html document through the notepad application on my computer. I got the saved document to open in google chrome the first time I tried to open it after saving it. My past experience of saving files a certain way for computer science classes helped me understand what to do in order to save my file properly so it would open correctly. It heled me to be able to clearly understand the example instructions and use the file explorer to save it correctly. Overall my past experiences dealing with computers and taking computer classes allowed me to clearly understand the project and made it an enjoyable experience.

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